Data Discovery and Classification Solution
Enterprise Discovery & Classification Solutions
Quickly find data across your organization with the
GTB Data Discovery that Workstm platform
GTB’s Data Discovery that Workstm platform empowers your organization to quickly – and accurately discover sensitive data and confidential information wherever it resides across your organization
Accurate data detection:
- On-premises or in the cloud
- On endpoints, servers, network file shares
- In collaborative workplace software and unstructured data such as Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Amazon S3, etc.
Discover what data your business is storing and understand your current risk profile and how those risks are being managed through a single pane of glass, intelligent management console, without the need for lengthy, inaccurate searches other tools provide.
Available for a wide range of OS, servers, and endpoints.
Ensure compliance, and confirm sensitive data is removed
GTB Data Discovery that Workstm solutions can scan every location on the network, including file servers, desktops, and laptops. Confidential data is discovered with the same precision and real-time performance of the GTB Inspector.
GTB Discovery scans the whole hard drive and finds files, even in the Recycle Bin, ensuring that what is expected to be deleted was actually deleted. Accurately monitor, protect and report violations any time a file is saved and/or blocked from saving; essentially eliminating the necessity to endlessly scan machines for data violations.
Big Data Discovery:
Discover and understand sensitive data and relationships before sensitive data is moved to big data environments.
GTB Discovery reports detailed information for each violating file, including location, actual content, context, file owner, file name, last accessed/modified time, policy violation, and more. It includes a complete workflow functionality that allows to simultaneously respond to multiple violations.
Early Case Assessment (ECA):
The process of e-discovery with DocTieTM is an integrated approach with modular components that produce the most accurate set of results in the market.