Google for Work Data Loss Prevention

Google for Work Cloud Data Loss Prevention

The majority of Cloud providers are missing the needed security capability to provide accurate, content aware enterprise data loss prevention and content aware digital rights management.


How accurate is your data protection detection engine?  Is it plagued with false positives / false negatives?

GTB’s DLP for Google Cloud / Google for Work provides accurate, detailed information about where your data is going and what your users are doing with that data.

One feather lite agent or agent-less

GTB’s Google Cloud / Google for Work DLP provides unrivaled DLP and APT cybersecurity tools needed for complete content awareness and enforcement regardless of file type – including Optical Character Recognition.

Identify and remediate compliance risks.

Protect compliance related data including, Payment Card Information (PCI), Personally Identifiable Information (PII), HIPAA, SOX, Financial and others.

Create and enforce policies

that accurately protect against threats to sensitive data and ensure corporate compliance, governance and IP protection.

GTB StealthfenceTM

monitors and prevents users from syncing sensitive work files from their desktop to their personal accounts from cloud services like Box, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Gmail, Google Drive and many more; with unrivaled accuracy.

Try it Now

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The Superior DLP Alternative TM


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