Insider Threat and DLP
Insider threat refers to a security risk posed by individuals within an organization who have access to sensitive information or systems. This could include employees, third-party vendors, contractors and malware. Insider threats can occur unintentionally (e.g., through careless actions or by falling for phishing scams) or intentionally (e.g., theft of data for personal gain or sabotage).
DLP (Data Loss Prevention) is a technology that helps organizations prevent sensitive data from being leaked or stolen. DLP solutions monitor and control the flow of sensitive data, such as credit card numbers, Social Security numbers, or unstructered confidential business information, and can alert administrators or block transfers if they violate the organization’s security policies. By implementing DLP, organizations can mitigate the risk of insider threats and data breaches.
How does GTB’s DLP that Workstm stop insider threats?
GTB DLP stops insider threats by monitoring and controlling the flow of sensitive data within an organization’s network, both on and off premises. This is achieved through the following steps:
Identification: GTB DLP systems are configured to identify sensitive data based on specific criteria, such as credit card numbers, Social Security numbers, or confidential business information.
Monitoring: GTB DLP systems continuously monitor the flow of data, both in and out of the organization’s network, to ensure that sensitive data is not being transmitted or accessed inappropriately.
Enforcement: If a violation is detected, GTB DLP systems can either alert administrators or automatically block the transfer of sensitive data, depending on the organization’s security policies.
By implementing GTB’S DLP that Workstm solutions, organizations can reduce the risk of insider threats by preventing sensitive data from being leaked or stolen, either intentionally or unintentionally. Additionally, DLP can also help organizations detect, prevent, and respond to data breaches more quickly, and find those actors exfiltrating sensitive data, thus reducing the potential damage and improving overall security.
They are highly impressed with GTB’s all-in-one DLP solution and its ability to discover, classify, detect, and protect companies from threats in a seamless manner.”
We see GTB’s platform as a direct response to address this problem, and we feel it is a best-in-class solution.
Nov. 16, 2022 lkin
For these reasons, GTB is a top choice among those who take data protection seriously and is used by major players across industries, including finance, healthcare, defense contractors, and government.
GTB Data Security Benefits for SRM Admins
Visibility: Accurately, discover sensitive data; detect and address broken business process, or insider threats including sensitive data breach attempts.
Protection: Automate data protection, breach prevention and incident response both on and off the network; for example, find and quarantine sensitive data within files exposed on user workstations, FileShares and cloud storage.
Notification: Alert and educate users on violations to raise awareness and educate the end user about cybersecurity and corporate policies.
Education: Start target cyber-security training; e.g., identify end-users violating policies and train them.
- Employees and organizations have knowledge and control of the information leaving the organization, where it is being sent, and where it is being preserved.
- Ability to allow user classification to give them influence in how the data they produce is controlled, which increases protection and end-user adoption.
- Control your data across your entire domain in one Central Management Dashboard with Universal policies.
- Many levels of control together with the ability to warn end-users of possible non-compliant – risky activities, protecting from malicious insiders and human error.
- Full data discovery collection detects sensitive data anywhere it is stored, and provides strong classification, watermarking, and other controls.
- Delivers full technical controls on who can copy what data, to what devices, what can be printed, and/or watermarked.
- Integrate with GRC workflows.
- Reduce the risk of fines and non-compliance.
- Protect intellectual property and corporate assets.
- Ensure compliance within industry, regulatory, and corporate policy.
- Ability to enforce boundaries and control what types of sensitive information can flow where.
- Control data flow to third parties and between business units.
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