The shift to the cloud.
It’s one of the IT world’s fastest growing trends.
Cloud storage has brought about a revolution in data management, allowing enterprises to store and process large quantities of data without dealing with the costs and maintenance of on-site hardware.
More importantly, the cloud has given the modern, mobile workforce the flexible and dynamic platforms it needs. Employees are able to access information from a full variety of devices, either on-premises or remotely.
The Risk Factor
But this technological leap came with a price.
Ease of access also means increased security vulnerability. While companies have been making a rush to cloud computing for quite some time, many in the industry have only recently begun to realize the susceptibility factor that comes with such a move. The risk to corporate data on the cloud is exponentialized, for the simple reason that it can be extruded from any location and by many different constituents. The same elements that made the cloud attractive to the modern enterprise also make it more of a liability from a data loss perspective.
The Smart Solution
The need to solve this problem is why GTB applied its leading data loss protection (DLP) technology to the realm of cloud computing.
Using its signature intelligent algorithms, GTB’s DLP solutions use an intelligent, learning based system to manage sensitive data. Now, with GTB’s Cloud Data Protect, organizations have complete visibility to data exiting the cloud including the ability to prevent access and / or block unauthorized access.
DLP of the Future
GTB’s solutions do more than secure companies from the risk of data loss.
These platforms also address the very real challenges enterprises face when deploying DLP systems. These include the disconnect between data owners and administrators, managers getting bogged down in the meticulous tasks of discovery and monitoring, and of course the huge investment of man hours in up keeping “high maintenance” systems. Some naysayers in the industry have responded to these issues by calling for a “redefining” of data loss protection, branding the entire industry of DLP as out of date.
Instead, GTB has taken these challenges head on, creating systems that provide real-world solutions. GTB’s artificial intelligence based approach allows platforms to learn and map the network, freeing IT from the tedious maintenance attached to other solutions. Due to the precision of its detection technology, ease of use and quick time to value, Smart DLP allows processes to be streamlined, instead of bogging down administrators with errors and false positives.
GTB ensures users that security does not come at the expense of efficiency.