GTB Data Loss Protection Gives Users the Edge

GTB DLP that Works

GTB Data Loss Protection Gives Users the Edge

The application of a robust data loss protection (DLP) program is vital for the secure function of organizations. The very real risk of a data leak is exponentialized by the sea of data transfers typically taking place in within a high performing firm today.

Adoption of DLP is being driven by the ever growing problem of insider threats and by more rigorous state and international privacy laws. Many of these policies have stringent data protection or access components,  and require firms to monitor and control endpoint activities

The challenge?

Many of the most common solution’s carry with them risks and operational costs for a firm.

While blanket strategies such as total encryption may add to an organization’s data security, the functional costs to a company implementing such a method are often overwhelming.

Additionally, many of these systems lack an intelligent approach to address the dynamic and subtle environment in which data and sensitive information is moving within a firm and between partners and clientele.

This is what gives GTB the edge in DLP solutions.

The edge

GTB’s programs smart AI functions constantly monitor activity to ensure that users are made aware of the security risks associated with their activities. Users are updated as to the implications of any action taken on the system risks and how they relate to applicable policies.

GTB DLP’s intelligence can also automatically activate encryption protocols for sensitive data to prevent unauthorized disclosure.

GTB solutions in DLP also give its users the tools to comply with industry standards, specifically those delineated in the latest guidelines of the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST)

The DLP system gives administrators total control over the flow of controlled unclassified information (CUI) in accordance with approved authorizations among employees and provides privacy and security notices consistent with industry CUI rules and standard practices. This ensures that data sets stay within their designated domains and prevents the possibility of inadvertent transfer, to unauthorized locations within the organization and without.

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  1. The Cost of BIPA Non Compliance is High - GTB Technologies

    […] Smart DLP solution of GTB gives companies the edge by constantly monitoring activity to ensure that users are made […]

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