Insider Threats, Trade Secret and Intellectual Property theft – malware or cyber espionage insiders phoning home digital assets

The GTB Insider Threat Tour

Insider Threats, Trade Secrets and Intellectual Property Theft

Come to the GTB Technologies Lab in Your Area


for a complimentary,  hands-on,   technical workshop for security professionals interested in learning about and testing the most effective & accurate way to handle data protection.


Protection from Trade Secret,  Intellectual Property theft to Malware or Insiders sending out digital assets

As breaches continue to make headlines, it’s apparent that monies and time spent on cybersecurity projects are not delivering the desired results.  So how does one build an effective DLP program that empowers users and avoids the known pitfalls which have plagued so many enterprises?

The answer is to go beyond the old way of reactionary security to a more intelligent one of detection and protection.  The key to this methodology is going beyond malware and intrusion detection to actually placing controls around and protecting data.

GTB’s Advanced Data Protection solutions do just that.  We enable organizations to allow the flowing of ideas and collaboration from within the enterprise, through the cloud and social media; with the comfort that their sensitive, confidential data remains just that… confidential.

See GTB’s patented DLP that Works platform protect against malware or cyber espionage insiders “phoning home” source code, manufacturing specifications, pharmaceutical documents, and other data ex-filtration use cases OR blocking sensitive data being sent to unapproved personal cloud storage locations such as Dropbox, Box, AWS, the BYOC problem, storage devices OR simply meeting privacy compliance regulations, EVEN IF the data is SSL encrypted, either on premise or off premise.

[spacer] Lunch or Dinner included!


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Dates & Locations vary — contact your account representative or sign up below at a location near you


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