DLP and Data Security at the Gartner Security and Risk Summit 2020

Gartner Security and Risk Management Summit 2020


In today’s risk reality, you have to anticipate new cybersecurity threats, deal with disruptive technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and build resilience in a world where anything seems possible.

Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit 2020 is the one place you can go to hear independent experts on what matters most now and how to prepare for what’s ahead. You’ll learn how to create the security and integrated risk management plans you need to give your organization the freedom to grow and innovate with confidence.

Security and risk leaders gather at this event every year to update and improve their approach to vulnerability management. Join us for the insights and information you need to deal with whatever the new decade brings your way.


Visit GTB Technologies during the summit

Details to follow


GTB DLP Market Leader


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