Data Discovery SaaS

Data Discovery Pricing that fits your business

Discover, classify, tag, store, and block, based on security policies and controls. – Accurately!

Discovery Packages for organizations of any size

Accuracy Matters!

Whether to the cloud, to one’s personal email, or to a “staging area” for new data entering the organization, GTB Data Discovery that Workstm can discover, classify, tag, store, and block, based on security policies and controls.  

Remember the best detection policies are on fingerprinted data, where templates yield false positive and false negative events, GTB’s proprietary detection engines provide a proven virtual 100% Zero False Positive Rate!


Who, What, When, and Where

GTB’s Data Discovery solutions are unsurpassed in the depth and breadth of data protection capabilities.  Our focus on achieving business benefits drives the pragmatic and targeted approach to our products and services with a holistic view of data protection & security.  GTB Discovery can search and review cloud and on-premise data repositories using both templates and unique rules.  Powerful yet simple to use, scans can be scheduled, run in real-time, or both, thus providing accurate, comprehensive, and complete visibility while keeping your organization compliant while reducing the risk or exposure to a breach.


Data Classification in Realtime


GTB Data Discovery with Classification easily and accurately identifies overexposed data, stale data, and remediates security vulnerabilities.  GTB offers an impresive template library with pre-built templates for all of the basic regulations, laws, and standards (GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, PCI, and more)

  • Personal Identifiable Information (PII)   (social security numbers, credit card numbers, IBAN, etc.)
  • Health and Financial records 
  • Regulated data (CCPA, GDPR, HIPAA, PHI, PCI, GLBA, etc.)
  • Security file types and extensions (cert, crt, etc.)


Big Data Discovery & Data Lifecycle Management

Reduce issues in accurately locating, identifying, and managing sensitive data within big data environments.


Redundant, Obsolete or Trivial (ROT)

ROT data can render an organization non-compliant, GTB offers the ability to handle data that are redundant, obsolete, and/or trivial (ROT) with the highest degree of accuracy.


GTB Data Security Scales

Increased Visibility

One of the key differentiators to the GTB Data Protection System is its proprietary, patented, and patent-pending Data Detection and Intelligent Smart Search algorithms (using Generative AI, Machine Learning & Mathmatical Science).

Discover & Classify sensitive data, Accurately

GTB Data Security that Works increasing sensitive data types list which includes types defined by privacy regulations (GDPR, PCI, PII, NY_DFS, HIPAA, CCPA, etc.).

Cross Platform

Windows, MacOS, Linux; browser and native based.

Automated Data Protection thats Flexible

Discover, Classify, and Protect sensitive data on-premises and in the cloud – accurately and fast. Including detection by fingerprints, EDM, reg-ex, tags, and others.

Central Management

A true GR&C tool, GTB’s Central Console provides enterprise data analytics and advanced enterprise report options via a single pane of glass.

Cloud Delivered or On-premises

Powered by AWS, Azure, Google, or host on-prem; all are elastic and scalable

Is GTB Discovery with Classification SaaS right for your business?

Contact us today to schedule a personalized tour and special tailored pricing