FISMA – Federal Information Security Management Act

FISMA – Federal Information Security Management Act


icon_10FISMA’s main goal is to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of federal agencies’ information systems. FISMA provides “a comprehensive framework for ensuring the effectiveness of information security controls over information resources  that support Federal Operations and assets.”

The federal government defines information security as: “Protecting information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction…”

What specific sensitive information must organizations safeguard under FISMA?

FISMA is intended particularly at the technicalities of information security (i.e. processes, systems, and controls), rather than at the information itself. Agencies complying with FISMA must demonstrate they have put in place systems and controls that will protect from unauthorized exposure any information deemed as sensitive, on an agency-by-agency basis. Such information could be of a private, medical, proprietary, financial, investigative, contractor sensitive, or security management nature.

How GTB Technologies can help demonstrate compliance:

The GTB suite has the ability to protect secured data stored, in use and at the endpoint. An organization with the use of the GTB suite can discover sensitive information stored on laptops, or servers or desktops across its enterprise, monitor this data in motion, and prevent it from leaving the network or an endpoint by accurately blocking unauthorized transmission. With GTB the organization can also demonstrate compliance with Government regulations, (Federal, State and local) and protect confidential employee and customer data to help demonstrate compliance with other regulations such as PII, HIPAA, SOX and the EU data directive.

GTB Technologies provides comprehensive data loss prevention for any organization that needs to act in accordance with Government compliance regarding the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of sensitive data.  Some of the many Advantages are:

Detection Accuracy:  GTB’s AccuMatch™ detection suite, recognized as having the highest accuracy in the industry.

Monitor and prevent sensitive data usage – Network & Endpoint: GTB Technologies provides the ability to monitor and block data loss on ANY PROTOCOL (including email, IM, Web, Secure Web (HTTP over SSL), FTP, P2P, and generic TCP. Endpoint protection includes storage devices such as USB drives, CD/DVDs, etc.

Internal controls: GTB Technologies allows organizations to demonstrate internal controls to comply with FISMA requirements.  These requirements mandate the establishment, documentation, and maintenance of electronic access to critical cyber assets.

Discovery and Classify Data Accurately: as its created, automatically during discovery, via email or saved in a file.

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