Gain Control of Your Unstructured Data On-Premises and in the Cloud

Gain Control of Your Unstructured Data On-Premises and in the Cloud


When it comes to data security, enterprises face a major challenge when it comes to preventing data loss. 

The nature of administering a large firm today means sharing information across a wide spectrum of users, spread out across multiple locations and work stations. Additionally, the transmission of highly sensitive information outside the company network to clients, partners, and other third parties is a common occurrence and often occurs in high volumes.

In such a scenario, the possibility for data leaks, due to either human error or malicious exfiltration, remains a constant concern.

Enterprise Data Loss Protection or EDLP,  solutions attempt to address the data loss problem within the high-risk environment of the enterprise.


What the Industry Needs


Gartner’s latest report on Data Loss Protection for the enterprise is out.

The market advisory firm published its findings on the DLP industry late last month.  Their report, Market Guide for Enterprise Data Loss Prevention [1] is very telling indeed as to what businesses need from an effective DLP solution.

One of the most important points emphasized by Gartner is the intricacy of applying a system across all aspects of an enterprise.  The most obvious factor that makes the challenge so complex is the variety of storage mediums used for the company’s data which can include both on-premises databases and cloud-based servers.  According to Gartner analysts, the huge endeavor of keeping a handle on all of these diverse data sets creates significant doubts on the efficacy of current EDLP systems and the return on investment (ROI) firms receive from deploying them.

Beyond the mere compatibility of the system, Gartner reports most DLP vendors also fall short when it comes to actual methodology.  Traditional content-based inspection rules are not enough to secure all enterprise data.   This is for the simple reason that no set of content rules can account for all incidents of data loss without adopting blanket restrictions, which will create a constant flow of false positives.   According to the report, for DLP to be truly efficient, platforms must include various insider threat detection methods that can identify threatening and malicious behavior.


The DLP of Tomorrow, Today with GTB


The recent Gartner report is just the latest confirmation: the GTB approach is what’s needed for DLP to work.

GTB’s DLP that Works, is a comprehensive solution, designed to operate across the entire enterprise. The fully compatible platform can integrate with all aspects of a firm’s data network, from on-premises servers to the cloud.


The AI-powered platform makes protection measures super accurate, identifying threatening activity while at the same time virtually eliminating false positives.

GTB’s unique approach to data protection hones in on what modern enterprises actually need from a DLP system.

[1] Market Guide for Enterprise Data Loss Prevention

Published: 25 February 2020 ID: G00447905;  Analyst(s): Marc-Antoine Meunier | Ravisha Chugh

2020 Leader DLP Solutions Provider



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