Enterprise DLP

A Zero Trust, people centric platform offering data security that works

UBA / ITM with DLP

While GTB DLP monitors and inspects actual content at all egress points of the enterprise, GTB UBA focuses and reports on data handling by users. The combination of the two improves visibility to possible insider threat as well as data breaches.

Monitor User Activity

GTB DLP with a combination of GTB UBA monitors all users’ activity both when the user is on-premises as well as when the user is off-premises. All file activities are monitored including Open, Save, Read, Write, Print, Attach, Delete and even which applications were executed. In addition, the system may filter for those files that have had sensitive data for better analysis. Such monitoring is done for all egress points including USB Devices, Email, Webmail, FTP, and Print jobs.

Flight Risk Monitoring & Protection

Monitoring all users’ activity may result in producing millions of events most of which are not relevant to effective data security. GTB DLP/UBA allows administrators to set up a policy to only monitor a specific division or a computer group or a hostname and even just monitor a specific username. This way the system generates events that are pertinent and useful to the organization.

USB Device Monitoring

Whether the user is on-premises or off-premises, the system will monitor all USB device activities including Read, Write, Move, Delete, Copy, Attach, and any application that was executed from such a device. The system also measures the number of files as well as the size of the files which were saved during a pre-defined time-range.

Classifying Sensitive Data - Automatically

GTB advanced DLP/UBA Classification system provides three modes of classification: User-based classification, System based classification, and the combination of the two. The system maps DLP Policies to classification levels and is able to classy files and emails based on these classification settings. Once files are classified, the system is able to monitor any user accessing highly sensitive data based on the classification of such data. A full report of file names, location, activity, and timestamp are available.


Control data from a myriad of sources— laptops, database exchanges, all cloud services and infrastructures, such as AWS, Amazon Cloud, Azure, Box, Dropbox, Evernote, Google Cloud, Google Docs, Google Drive, Office 365, OneDrive, Salesforce, Skype for Business and more to Shadow IT (BYOx). GTB's CASB with a Twist

Compliance and Security made simple

Keep your data secure and protected, effortlessly

Obtain Compliance with Regional, Country & Industry Data Protection Regulations
Data protection

Stop Breaches, before Insiders steal your data!

Protect sensitive data on Computers, Laptops, Servers, Cloud repositories, and Cloud workloads, with Real-time, accurate monitoring & protection!
Always protected

Complete data security, in the cloud, on-premises or off

from an Intellectual Property, Compliance, and APT perspective, no one competes!


GTB realizes that protection needs to be placed around the data as people can be compromised, negligent or unfortunately malicious. GTB provides both behavior and threat telemetry to sensitive content which helps in determining risk.
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