Gartner Symposium/ITxpo

Gartner Symposium/ITxpo

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Gartner Symposium/ITxpo 2016  helps you identify and explore technology and service providers to address your specific needs as a CIO. You’ll receive exclusive access to some of the world’s leading solution providers   Symposium 2016 logo

GTB Technologies Positioned in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Data Loss Prevention as a Visionary for four consecutive reports, along with a 5 / 5 Gartner Peer Insight Review, will be unveiling another game changer to its DLP that Works Platform and showcasing  market leading Data Protection platforms which are consistently leading the way with channel coverage, precise detection, visibility and control for all forms of data whether it’s at rest, in motion or in use. 


[spacer] [title_box title=”Come to GTB’s Emerging Technology Presentation” subtitle=”Protecting PII, PCI & PHI Data along with Accurate Data Discovery in Today’s Perimeter-less Collaborative Environment“]



CIO’s know that malicious applications are used to ex-filtrate data across thousands of protocols, thus rendering their security tools useless. This session shows how the key requirement of Next Generation DLP, Detection Accuracy, provides the ability to identify unauthorized transmissions and prevent a breach, in real-time, either online or offline.

 The key is to understand and require their systems have the ability to provide answers to questions such as:

“What data do I want to protect?”

“Can my DLP system classify sensitive data correctly, in real-time?”

“Can I truly prevent a data breach?

GTB’s informative session will show how the next generation of security solutions is capable of accurately detecting un-authorized transmissions (malware ‘phoning home’ your data), alerting administrators and preventing a breach, in real-time, even if the data is SSL encrypted, either online or offline.


Uzi Yair, the co-founder of GTB Technologies, Inc. leads the product development of GTB’s game changing DLP that Works platform.  For the past 15 years, Uzi has been advising and providing insightful guidance on all aspects of data protection for some of the world’s largest enterprises & government organizations.   Uzi holds an MBA from Columbia Business School along with a BS in Computer Science and Mathematics from Hofstra University.

Date: Tuesday, October 18
Time: 1:30 p.m. EDT
Location: Emerging Tech ITxpo Stage, Walt Disney World Dolphin

[spacer] [title_box title=”GTB Technologies will  Showcase the Latest Data Loss Prevention Solutions & Services  ” subtitle=”including Skype for Business DLP & Quadriga DLP”]



[span6][title_box title=”Attend a Private Meeting ” subtitle=”See Why GTB is the ‘Go To’ DLP Data Protection Solution”]Meet with a member of the DLP Expert team or Attend a Private Meeting to understand how GTB Customers are able to allow the flowing of ideas and collaboration from within their enterprise, through the cloud and social media; with the comfort that their sensitive, confidential data remains just that… confidential. [/span6]  [vr][/vr]
