Forrester Privacy & Security


Forrester’s Privacy And Security 2017 Event

September 14–15, 2017

Washington, D.C.

Come see the DLP Company the “Market Leaders” Don’t Want You To Know About

Your consumers’ expectations of privacy and trust now go far beyond such basic questions as “will you protect my personal information?” They demand a seemless, consistent experience of safety, security, and data privacy. They require trust – and the smartest enterprises are increasingly committed to trust as a core component of their value proposition and brand. At this event attendees will explore a combination of technology with a focus on people and their behaviors to uplift their data security and privacy efforts.

Privacy & Security 2017 will explore the rapid escalation of security, privacy, and risk from the operational back office to a strategic, enterprise-level imperative — and key driver of digital business and customer trust.

Recent analyst research reports, including those from Gartner, have rated GTB’s DLP that Works platform with the highest scores in:

  • Intellectual Property Protection
  • Data Discovery
  • Data Classification
  • Endpoint Protection
  • Cloud Coverage
  • Multi-language availability
  • Reporting
  • Risk Management
  • Customer Support
  • Deployment Distribution

We’ll be showcasing a few of our highly rated, cutting edge Privacy & Trust solutions and services

Thursday Sept. 14

Understand why the “Market Leaders” do not want you to know about GTB’s DLP that Works Platform by attending our session:

Data Breached? Can You Prevent It? See Why DLP Doesn’t Have To Be That Difficult

Despite significant investment in data security, data breaches continue to make headlines.  A DLP system is designed to reduce the risks for both infiltration and for data exfiltration.  But how does an organization build an effective DLP program that empowers users and avoids the known pitfalls plaguing many deployments and programs.  Simply put, there are four key questions that a basic DLP solution should answer:  Where’s my data?  Who’s sending my data?  Who’s receiving my data?  And what channels is the data sent through?

Join us as we showcase a proper DLP program, the resulting enforcement actions designed to prevent data breaches — and the pitfalls you can avoid throughout this process.


Attend a Private Meeting


Meet with a member of the DLP Expert team or Attend a Private Meeting to understand how GTB Customers are able to allow the flowing of ideas and collaboration from within their enterprise, through the cloud and social media; with the comfort that their sensitive, confidential data remains just that… confidential.


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