Enterprise Data Loss Prevention & Data Protection

Enterprise Data Loss Prevention & Data Protection

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[span4][lazy_load_box effect=”slidefromleft” speed=”900″ delay=”300″][service_box title=”Network Data Loss Prevention” icon=”icon3_gears_127x133″ text=”Real-Time & Accurate, ALL Channels and ALL types of data, structured and /or unstructured, including OCR detection ” btn_size=”normal” target=”_self”][/lazy_load_box][/span4][span4][lazy_load_box effect=”slideup” speed=”900″ delay=”300″][service_box title=”Advanced Endpoint DLP” icon=”icon6″ text=”OPSWAT Certified. OFF-Premises, real-time Fingerprint Detection for Data in Use!! No other DLP solution can.  ” btn_size=”normal” target=”_self“][/lazy_load_box][/span4][span4][lazy_load_box effect=”slidefromright” speed=”900″ delay=”300″][service_box title=”Data Discovery & Classification” icon=”icon7″ text=”Discover, Classify & Inventory – critical data including Exchange, PST/OST, NAS, SharePoint, Fileshares, Local Storage, Cloud Storage (Google apps, BOX, Dropbox, OneDrive ..), with OCR detection.” btn_size=”normal” target=”_self”][/lazy_load_box][/span4]

[span4][lazy_load_box effect=”slidefromleft” speed=”900″ delay=”300″][service_box title=”Content Aware Information Rights Management” icon=”item_2015_icon_2_127x124″ text=”Comprehensive access control to sensitive data.WHEN can each user access the information & WHERE the information can be used.” btn_size=”normal” target=”_self”][/lazy_load_box][/span4]

[span4][lazy_load_box effect=”slidedown” speed=”900″ delay=”300″][service_box title=”Cloud Security & Application Control ” icon=”icon4_magnify_127x124″ text=”Control data from a myriad of sources— laptops, database exchanges, all cloud services, such as Amazon AWS, Amazon Cloud, Box, Dropbox, Evernote, Google Cloud, Google Docs, Google Drive, Office 365, OneDrive, Salesforce, and more to Shadow IT (BYOx), .” btn_size=”normal” target=”_self”][/lazy_load_box][/span4][span4][lazy_load_box effect=”slidefromright” speed=”900″ delay=”300″][service_box title=”SDKs for Multi-Tenant  Enterprise DLP & Discovery ” icon=”icon3_creditcard_127x124″ text=”Integrate sophisticated content inspection engines into applications, allowing Real-Time Data Loss Prevention on all ports/protocols with virtually 100% accuracy.   ” btn_size=”normal” target=”_self”][/lazy_load_box][/span4]

[span12][lazy_load_box effect=”slideup” speed=”800″ delay=”200″][extra_wrap custom_class=”block_1″]

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